Somewhere in the galaxy, bent over his latest grand design, a young mechanic named Ratchet harbours a dream. Eager for adventure, hungry for fame, Ratchet fantasies about exploration far beyond the corners of his home planet. This backwater can't contain a free spirit with big ideas - Ratchet's got ambition! Ratchet's chance arrives in the curious guise of a robot spaceship which crashes on his hometown. Encased inside the ship, Clank is a diminutive robot with a conscience who introduces himself to Ratchet...and then brings him some chilling news. Turns out that Chairman Drek, evil ruler of neighbouring planet Belchworld, has hatched a most dastardly plan - could this be the challenge Ratchet's been waiting for? Clank explains that Chairman Drek has designs on the galaxy and intends to build his own planet, made up of the best bits of all the other planets in space. And the people who live on those planets will just have to shut up and put up...unless Clank can stop the Chairman in his inter-galactic tracks. To start with, Ratchet's more interested in hitching a ride around space - it seems all his birthdays and Christmases have come at once! Clank, meanwhile, isn't really looking for adventure - he just wants to save the universe! One thing's for sure, though, and that is that destiny must have brought the duo together. With his responsible attitude and wise outlook, Clank is the counterpoint to Ratchet's impulsive and feisty persona - together they're the only hope the galaxy has of thwarting the Chairman's takeover plan. This is going to be one adventure Ratchet won't forget in a hurry!